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Ref - Abra
This offer is for new customers only. If you already have an account, please take advantage of our 150 Million CPRX token airdrop (5% of supply) and stake your claim by trading, earning interest, or borrowing before the week of November 15, 2021.
가입 먼저 하시고 (레퍼럴 가입 혜택 : (25달러 상당의 cprx토큰 증정. 단, abra월렛에 30일동안 최소 15달러 묵혀둬야 함)
Home - Abra
Abra Private Client Talk with your dedicated account manager and enjoy low-cost trades, earning yield, and borrowing on your crypto holdings. Perfect for high-net-worth clients, family offices/funds, and Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs).
Win a Mega Drop of CPRX gleam.io
Complete any of the following actions to qualify for a token. (Limited to first 50,000 participants) Each entry is worth 1 CPRX token awarded at launch.
ABRA는 중앙화 거래소(탈중앙화 아님)
150개 국어 지원
약8500만 달러 투자 받음
아메리칸 익스프레스 벤쳐스
블록체인 캐피탈
그리고 그레이스케일의 우두머리 디지털커런시그룹 등이 투자
earn, borrow, trade하기 한국인은 borrow 안 된다는 말도 있는데 제가 아직 직접 해본게 아니라 아직 모르겠음.
거래량에 따른 가중치 있을 수 있으니 거래량 늘려두는 게 좋을 것 같으나 수수료가 많이 비싸고 에어드랍 해 줄지는 모름.
레퍼럴 비중이 낮고, 나머지 task 완료만 해둬도 200점을 줍니다. (레퍼럴은 1명당 5점이라 크게 의미가 있을 것 같진 않습니다.)
11월 15일까지 하세요.
수수료 많이 비쌈 / 지원하는 체인이 매우 적음 / UI 별로 / 이용자 적은 편 / 일 못하는 것 같음(왜 투자했는지 코린이는 이해 불가) / 에어드랍 미정, 뇌피셜임
If you are a new or existing user, everything you are currently doing earns rewards. Existing Abra users will be airdropped tokens on the day of launch proportional to their historical activity on Abra. Any actions taken between now and launch will be weighted more heavily in determining the size of your airdrop. The scheduled launch is November 15, 2021, so using Abra Earn, Abra Borrow, and Abra Trade now.
(파파고 번역)
신규 사용자이거나 기존 사용자인 경우 현재 수행하는 모든 작업은 보상을 받습니다. 기존 Abra 사용자들은 Abra에 대한 그들의 역사적 활동에 비례하여 출시 당일에 공수 토큰을 받을 것이다. 지금부터 시작 사이에 수행된 모든 작업은 에어드롭 크기를 결정할 때 더 많은 가중치가 부여됩니다. 2021년 11월 15일 출시 예정이므로, 현재 아브라 earn, 아브라 borrow, 그리고 아브라 trade을 이용하세요.
라는 공지가 있긴 하지만 에드 확정은 아니니 DYOR 하세요
기사도 읽어보세요
Abra Launches Token-Based Rewards Program for Customers Powered by Crypto Perx (CPRX)
Abra, a leading wealth management platform for cryptocurrency investors, today announced the Abra Perx Rewards Program that will offer Abra users uniq
Abra Launches Token-Based Rewards Program for Customers Powered by Crypto Perx (CPRX)
New Token Offers Abra Customers Ability to Earn Rewards
Crypto Banking Alliance to Issue New Utility Tokens to Abra to Reward Customers for their Loyalty and Maximize Yield
October 07, 2021 08:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Abra, a leading wealth management platform for cryptocurrency investors, today announced the Abra Perx Rewards Program that will offer Abra users unique access to a new utility token, Crypto Perx (CPRX), created by the newly formed Crypto Banking Alliance (CBA). Upon token launch, Abra users will be airdropped an amount of CPRX tokens that is proportional to their individual historical usage of Abra. Abra Perx will also provide other exciting ongoing benefits.
By holding CPRX tokens in their account, Abra users will gain significant additional benefits of Abra’s fast-growing crypto wealth management platform. After the token launch date, the Abra Perx program will provide all Abra customers with:
· Cash back on all Abra Trade™ transactions,
· Bonus yield for all Abra Earn™ funds,
· Negative loan interest (lower effective rates) for any Abra Borrow™ loan,
· An ignition reward for new users who fund their account,
· Referral rewards for inviting friends who fund their Abra accounts, and
· Rewards recognizing existing Abra users’ historical usage
Users may hold (or “stake”) CPRX tokens for additional benefits or exchange them via Abra Trade for Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDC, or other assets supported by Abra. Upon token launch scheduled on November 15 by the CBA, Abra anticipates that CPRX will be listed on several cryptocurrency exchanges and DEX liquidity pools. The CBA is expected to announce details of initial exchanges supporting CPRX throughout the fourth quarter of 2021.
As a launch promotion, Abra will be offering accelerators on CPRX rewards. Promotion details will be announced in the coming days.
“The token economy is booming. We wanted to find a unique way to reward our loyal customers via this new token economy while doing something totally unique. Crypto Perx represents the perfect opportunity to do just that,” said Bill Barhydt, Founder and CEO of Abra. “This new program enables us, via this unique partnership with CBA, to reward our customers for their loyalty, bolster the innovative products we have launched this year and further evolve the future of banking. We are committed to growing our Abra community and this partnership with CBA provides Abra users a unique and revolutionary avenue to take advantage of the new token economy.”
The CPRX utility token is the backbone of the Abra Perx program, designed to maximize yield for Abra customers and recognize them for their loyalty while creating new opportunities for engagement on the Abra platform. The program, available to all Abra customers, rewards users with CPRX tokens for a wide range of account activities, including creating accounts, making referrals, and using Abra products.
“Abra is a true trailblazer in crypto wealth management and their customer-centric crypto banking strategy makes them the perfect launch partner for CPRX in the wallet space,” said Julian Hardy, Founder and Managing Director of the Crypto Banking Alliance. “We are pleased to help them offer their loyal customer base exciting incentives via the token economy as they revolutionize wealth management and continue to expand access to crypto assets in a safe and secure way.”
The launch of Abra Perx follows Abra’s recent Series C $55 million funding announcement after a year of tremendous growth. Abra’s financing is enabling the company to further expand its innovative suite of wealth management, trading, and payments offerings to the 155,000 monthly users who have processed over $4 billion in transactions over the past year alone. Abra has continued to expand its wealth management services as the company’s revenues have increased more than ten-fold, while its services – Abra Trade and Abra Earn – skyrocketed from zero to $1 billion in AUM, with zero defaults.
For more information on Abra and to download the app, please visit: https://abra.com/.
Abra is the leading wealth management platform for crypto. Abra’s mission is to create a simple and honest platform to help the next billion crypto holders maximize the potential of their crypto assets. Founded in 2014 by Bill Barhydt, Abra’s users earn high yield on their crypto assets, trade over 100 different crypto currencies and borrow dollars against crypto holdings. Abra has processed over $1 billion in crypto backed loans and has paid millions of dollars in interest payments to retail and institutional clients alike. Abra has raised over $75M in venture financing from American Express, Foxconn, Blockchain Capital, RRE Ventures, Digital Currency Group and other prominent investors. For more information, visit https://www.abra.com/
The Crypto Banking Alliance, formed in Zug, Switzerland as Auriga Alliance AG, was created to promote the safe and seamless application and adoption of cryptocurrency technologies as a core component of the future of banking platforms. The Alliance aims to educate the public on the opportunities afforded by cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (“DeFi”) on the future of banking. The Alliance will provide educational tools, promotional programs, technology tools, code samples, and frameworks for the safe and ethical adoption of DeFi technologies such as cryptocurrencies and smart contracts. Our vision is a global movement towards decentralized financial systems that align community and personal agency in a way that enables global access to everyone who wishes to participate in it.
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